Prof. Bruno Siciliano is the recipient of the 2015 Guido Dorso Award
October 2015
Palazzo Giustiniani, Senate of Republic, Rome, Italy
Bruno Siciliano from UNINA is the recipient of the 2015 Guido Dorso Award for the "University" section. This award recognizes every year those fellows who have contributed their work to support the needs of development and progress of Southern Italy. Distinguished fellows from the political, economic and cultural world received the award in the past years, including two Nobel prizes. Read more in the related 2015 Guido Dorso Prize - Press coverage.
Palazzo Giustiniani, Senate of Republic, Rome, Italy
Bruno Siciliano from UNINA is the recipient of the 2015 Guido Dorso Award for the "University" section. This award recognizes every year those fellows who have contributed their work to support the needs of development and progress of Southern Italy. Distinguished fellows from the political, economic and cultural world received the award in the past years, including two Nobel prizes. Read more in the related 2015 Guido Dorso Prize - Press coverage.