Press & Media
IIT and Centro “E. Piaggio” of the University of Pisa
Report, Rai3 - Industry 4.0 - October 2015
Centro “E. Piaggio” of the University of Pisa, prof Antonio Bicchi
Rai Community - April 2015
Saphari – Sichere Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion
wt Werkstattstechnik online Jahrgang 104 (2014) H. 9
Il prof e i robot - così si progetta l'avvenire - November 2014
Il mattino di Padova
La Provincia Pavese
La Nuova Sardegna
La Nuova di Venezia e Mestre
Alto Adige
Corriere delle Alpi
il Centro
Gazzetta di Mantova
Gazzetta di Modena
Messaggero Veneto
la Nuova Ferrara
Il Piccolo
Il Tirreno
Il Trentino
la Tribuna di Treviso
la Città di Salerno
la Sentinella del Canavese
The realm of collaborative robots - Empowering us in many forms
Robotics Online - June 2014
tz-Test: Dieser Roboter bringt das Essen - June 2014
Migliore tesi UE in robotica? Ovviamente italiana
Tom's Hardware - June 2014
Nautilus - La mano robotica
Rai Cultura - June 2014
Hi-Tech Il Campo dei Miracoli (e delle Start-Up)
Corriere Economia - May 2014
Soft robotics and the Robotic Hand
Rai Community - March 2014
Robotica europea: il Georges Giralt Award ad un giovane ricercatore che ha studiato a Pisa - March 2014
Cervelli che non fuggono: l'Europa premia un giovane ricercatore italiano
Kong news - March 2014
Un alto premio alla robotica italiana Innovazione - March 2014
Con una tesi sui nuovi robot l’Italia (e Genova) vincono il premio europeo
Il secolo XIX - March 2014
Robotica, un nuovo premio per l'IIT - riconoscimento europeo per un ricercatore
Repubblica - March 2014
Arrivano i Superuomini
BBC Science - January 2014
Roboter im Crashtest
Technology Review - November 2013
Alla ricerca dell'estetica nella scienza
Corriere della Sera - October 2013
Die Helfer der Zukunft - September 2013
Am DLR- Forschungszentru m entstehen feinfühlige und sichere Leichtbauroboter
KE - June 2013
Roboter im Crashtest
Technology Review - April 2013
C'est la future génération de robots urbains
La Depeche - April 2013
Le Grand Sud terre de robots
La Depeche - March 2013
Ici, les robots envahissent la maison
L'Usine Nouvelle - March 2013
Seite an Seite mit Robotern – Aber sicher!I
Audimax MINT-GUIDE - January 2013
Au Laas, les chercheurs conçoivent le futur - July 2012
A Toulouse, le LAAS-CNRS inaugure «Adream», le bâtiment des objets communicants - July 2012
Adream, le bâtiment rêvé des chercheurs - June 2012
Reach and grasp by people with tetraplegia using a neurally controlled robotic arm - May 2012
cited by:
- Paralyzed woman grips, sips coffee with robot arm ( - June 2012)
- Thought controlled robotic arm for paralyzed patients ( - May 2012)
- Robotics & mechanical limbs ( - May 2012)
- Paralyzed individuals use thought-controlled robotic arm to reach and grasp ( - May 2012)
- Paralyzed, moving a robot with their minds ( - May 2012)
- Scientists transform borg technology from fantasy to reality ( - May 2012)
- Paralyzed woman controls robotic arm with her mind ( - May 2012)
- Reach and grasp by people with tetraplegia using a neurally controlled robotic arm ( - May 2012)
- People with paralysis control robotic arms using brain-computer interface ( - May 2012)
- Quadriplegic woman uses brain to drink coffee with help from robotic arm ( - May 2012)
- Mind-operated robot arm helps paralyzed woman have her cup o' joe ( - May 2012)
- Watch a paralyzed woman control a robotic arm with her mind (yahoo!news - May 2012)
- Paralyzed woman moves robotic arm with her thoughts ( - May 2012)
- Paralyzed woman moves robotic arm using thought alone ( - May 2012)
- Paralyzed woman moves robotic arm with her mind ( - May 2012)
- Paralyzed woman gets robotic arm she controls with her mind ( - May 2012)
- Paralyzed woman uses thoughts to move robotic arm ( - May 2012)
- Gelähmte Frau steuert Roboter-Arm durch Hirnimplantat ( - May 2012)
- Gelähmte können mit einer Neuroprothese einen Roboterarm steuern ( - May 2012)
- Gelähmte steuern Roboter mit ihren Gedanken ( - May 2012)
- Gelähmte steuern Roboter durch Gedanken: Ich denke, also bewege ich ( - May 2012)
- Pilotversuch: Gelähmte steuern Roboterarm mit ihren Gedanken ( - May 2012)
- Gelähmte steuert Roboter mit ihren Gedanken ( - May 2012)
- Mit der Kraft ihrer Gedanken ( - May 2012)
- Gelähmte steuert Roboterarm mit ihren Gedanken ( - May 2012)
- Gedankengesteuerte Roboter ( - May 2012)
München im Zeichen der Robotik - May 2012
Sicherer Kollege Roboter? - May 2012 - May 2012
Hand in Hand mit dem Roboter - May 2012
Automatica 2012: Von Menschen un Robotern! - May 2012
DLR presents innovations in robotics at AUTOMATICA 2012
Research in Germany - May 2012
Mon collègue est un robot - May 2012
Il Giornale - January 2012
Napoli progetta i robot del futuro
Il Denaro - December 2011
Saphari, i robot pensati da Asimov parleranno anche italiano
Tom's Hardware - December 2011
Al via il progetto Saphari, l'Ue sogna il robot perfetto per il futuro del mondo
Tiscali:scienze - December 2011
Toulouse, capitale de la robotique aujourd'hui - November 2011
Hand and in Hand mit dem Roboter: Automatica 2012 zeigt sichere Kooperation von Mensch und Maschine - November 2011
Hand in Hand mit dem Roboter: AUTOMATICA 2012 zeigt sichere Kooperation von Mensch und MaschineI - November 2011
Un SAPHARI per l'innovazione tecnologica
Press office Università di Roma "La Sapienza" - November 2011